With this new identity, FUNDACIÓN HISPANO BRITÁNICA projects its values and its notorious task of connecting culture and society between Spain and the United Kingdom.

In this graphic symbol, the Herculean columns of Spain and the flowers of the United Kingdom, symbol of both cultures, merge.

Thanks to Marc Guitart and his team


The national flower of England is the rose. The rose was adopted as the emblem of England from the time of the Wars of the Roses – civil wars (1455 – 1485) between the royal house of Lancaster, whose emblem was a red rose, and the royal house of York, whose emblem was a white rose. The York regime ended with the defeat of King Richard III by the future King Henry VII, at Bosworth, on August 22, 1485, and the two roses were joined to the Tudor rose (a red rose with a white centre) by Henry VII when he married Elizabeth of York.


The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock. The clover is a three-leafed plant that is said to have been used by Saint Patrick to illustrate the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.


Scotland’s national flower is the thistle. The thistle is a purple flower with spiny leaves that was initially used in the fifteenth century as a symbol of defence.


The national flower of Wales is the daffodil, and the daffodil is traditionally carried on Saint David’s Day. However, the humble leek is also regarded as a traditional emblem of Wales, possibly because of its colours, white on green.


The Plus Ultra inscription of the Pillars of Hercules. We must refer to Greek mythology, specifically to the famous twelve labours of Heracles. In the tenth of his labours, Hercules was to kill the giant Geryon and steal his cattle. To travel to the land of the Geryons, Hercules separated two large rocks that hindered his passage, placing two large columns on both sides that would separate Europe from Africa, thus giving rise to the Strait of Gibraltar. These two columns become the border with the end of the world known to man, indicating that there was no land beyond, NON-PLUS ULTRA. The motto arises at the time of the Roman Empire; Let us remember that the world then revolved around the Mediterranean Sea, the Mare Nostrum and, although some had already sailed through that dreaded ocean, they never did so away from the coast. They always headed north, which led them to Finisterre.

Until 1492, navigators claimed that sailing west meant finding certain death. Beyond the Strait of Gibraltar, there was only darkness. The change in the geographical limit where the end of the world was located, occurs when Columbus discovered America.


Plus Ultra transmits a message of enthusiasm, of audacity towards its subjects, which would strengthen the Spanish presence in that new world. In short, it was about extolling the intrepidity of those navigators who had to extend the borders, bringing the Christian faith to the world that had just been discovered.


A different crown appears on each Pillar of Hercules. The royal crown is depicted on the left pillar and the imperial crown on the right. Both allude to the concept of monarchy and empire present in the history of the Kingdom of Spain. The British royal crown is displayed on top of it.