” T H E  B R I T I S H  H I S P A N I C  F O R U M

Renowned personalities participate, both Spanish and British, belonging to the academic, political, business, cultural or economic world.

Since 1999, we have organized and celebrated this meeting annually.

Throughout its XXIII editions, the British Hispanic Forum has studied topics of common interest to Spain and the United Kingdom, about:

  • And many others…

Previous Forums

  • XXVI British Hispanic Forum: “The importance of the Spanish wine in the United Kingdom” | 29th of November, 2023
  • XXV British Hispanic Forum: “Tutankhamun, the Duke of Alba and Howard Carter in Madrid” | 1st of December, 2022
  • XXIV British Hispanic Forum: “History of Spanish-British relations in the Modern and Contemporary Age” | 13th of November, 2021
  • XXIII British Hispanic Forum: “Electronic book, digital technologies and editorial sustainability” | 19th of February, 2020
  • XXII British Hispanic Forum: “Implications of Environmental Sustainability” | 5 November 2019″
  • XXI British Hispanic Forum: “Muslim immigration and integration policies in Spain and the United Kingdom” | 6th of November 2018
  • XX British Hispanic Forum: “Brexit and University” | 7th of November, 2017
  • XIX British Hispanic Forum: “Fashion” | 20th of October, 2016
  • XVIII British Hispanic Forum: “The Magna Carta in its Eighth Century: Spanish and British Perspectives” | 3rd of June, 2015
  • XVII British Hispanic Forum: “Challenges for European Defense in the XXI Century: British and Spanish Perspectives” | 5th of March, 2014
  • XVI British Hispanic Forum: “Reform of the educational system. Adaptation of University Studies to the needs of today’s world ” | 16th of October, 2012
  • XV British Hispanic Forum: “The Atlantic countries, cultural and economic axis. Their challenges at the present time ”| 17th of November, 2011
  • XIV British Hispanic Forum: “The emergence of a global culture, a great challenge for Europe: the citizen in the face of cultural changes” | 16th of November, 2010
  • XIII British Hispanic Forum: “Innovation and creativity in the world of culture” | 16 December,  2009
  • XII British Hispanic Forum: “On the bicentennial of 1808. The British Hispanic alliance against Napoleon and its consequences in both Kingdoms” | 4th of December,  2008
  • XI British Hispanic Forum: “Muslim immigration in today’s Europe: culture and society” | 4th of December,  2007
  • X British Hispanic Forum: “The cultural dimension in the European Union: promoters and euro-skeptics” | 13th – 14th of November, 2006″
  • IX British Hispanic Forum: “The culture and the current migratory phenomenon” | 14th and 15th November,  2005
  • VIII British Hispanic Forum: “Culture in tourism” | 22nd and 23rd of November, 2004
  • VII British Hispanic Forum: “Architecture, urban space and quality of life” | 17th – 18th November, 2003
  • VI British Hispanic Forum: “Public Museums in the XXI Century” | 18th and 19th of November, 2002
  • V British Hispanic Forum: “The management of the Historical Heritage” | 27th and 28th of November, 2001
  • IV British Hispanic Forum: “Business, culture and media: the challenge of new technologies” | 16th of October, 2000″
  • III British Hispanic Forum: “Sustainable Development, Environment and Cultural Heritage”. Higher Council for Scientific Research (Serrano 117) ”| 30th of November and 1st of December, 1999
  • II British Hispanic Forum: “Latin America and the world economic crisis: a British Hispanic perspective” “| 23rd of March, 1999
  • I British Hispanic Forum: “The incorporation of the Indies into the western world” “| 19th of February, 1999