With 40 years of history, we are a Spanish private foundation that promotes the exchange of culture between Spain and the United Kingdom.
- In the Academic field: contributing to the training of students, through the Doctoral Chair “Reina Victoria Eugenia” and through the Ignacio Echeverría Scholarship. These opportunities allow students to broaden their knowledge at Universities in the United Kingdom and British schools in Spain.
- In the Sociocultural field: promoting meetings between British and Spanish citizens, through our Social and Cultural Activities, such as the British Hispanic Forum, Conferences, Visits, Excursions, Trips and Book Presentations; as well as Lunches, Gala Dinners, Concerts and Receptions with guests of honor.
- In the field of Communication: disseminating information through our Publications, both in printed format (Books and Reports) and in digital format (FHB Papers, Highlights, Interviews and Of interest).
Founded by Sir Roger Fry in 1980, under the Honorary Presidency of HRH the Infanta Doña Margarita, Duchess of Soria, the British Hispanic Foundation has its headquarters in Madrid and is registered in the Registry of Foundations of the Ministry of Culture and Sports with the number 128.