“Elegance is something that, if you wish, you learn”
FHB Interview with SONSOLES DIEZ DE RIVERA Y DE ICAZA, MBE Vice-President of the Fundación Hispano Británica
FHB Interview with SONSOLES DIEZ DE RIVERA Y DE ICAZA, MBE Vice-President of the Fundación Hispano Británica
FHB interview with EXCMO SR. D. ÁLVARO FERNÁNDEZ-VILLAVERDE Y SILVA, MARQUÉS DE SANTA CRUZ, Honorary Vice-President of the Fundación Hispano Británica
FHB interview with JOSÉ PIZARRO, Chef, «FHB Friend of Honour 2023»
FHB interview with AURORA ZUBILLAGA, CEO Sotheby’s Spain, FHB Friend
FHB interview with EXCMO. SR. D. CARLOS FITZ JAMES-STUART, DUQUE DE ALBA, Honorary Vice-President of the Fundación Hispano Británica
FHB interview with JOSÉ PASCUAL MARCO MARTÍNEZ, Ambassador of Spain to the United Kingdom, Honorary President of the Fundación Hispano Británica
FHB interview with LORENZO CAPRILE
FHB interview with ARACELI PEREDA, President of HISPANIA NOSTRA
FHB interview with PEDRO SCHWARTZ
FHB interview with JOSÉ MARÍA DE AREILZA CARVAJAL, CONDE DE MOTRICO, “FHB Friend of Honour 2021”